Home Overview Acupuncture/Conditions Skin Care About Dr. Elisha Contact Us

Acupuncture: A method for treating Disease, Pain, and Conditions

Diseases, Conditions, Pain Management, Pregnancy and Infertility, and Wellness issues treated by Dr. Esther Elisha who expertly utilizes acupuncture as part of a comprehensive treatment program. The holistic approach includes a diet and exercise plan as well as herbal and homeopathic remedies. Let Dr Elisha alleviate pain and promote a better, healthier life and help you feel good again.  Call to consult with Dr. Elisha at 561-498-1414 or email Info@drelishaomd.com

s Bell's Palsy
s Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
s Irritable Bowel Syndrome
s Shingles

s Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
s Firbromyalgia
s Restless Leg Syndrome
s Trigeminal Nueragia
s Heartburn
s Infertility
s Labor Induction
s Labor Pain
Morning Sickness
s Smoking Cessation
s Weight Loss


Call Dr. Elisha at the Healing Center today, and start feeling good and young again!

            Telephone:  561-498-1414
